What is Religion:

1.1 Religion is a belief system consists of some symbols.

1.2 Questions like 
  • What we believe,
  • How we believe,
  • Why we believe
are part of the system that we try to understand with our limitations as humans.

What we believe:

2.1 Symbols like GOD, Angels of GOD, Creator, Creations, Control & Power, Prophets, Messengers, Messages of GOD or Holy Books, Spiritual power, Soul, Transfiguration in all 24000 prophets, birth, death, afterlife [Resurrection of all humans], heaven [total 7], hell [total 8], Devil, Judgement day, Sin, good deeds, rewards of GOD, prayer of GOD, Religious [historical] occasions and their significance in our life [rituals, Ex. Ascension, Ester], Messiah, Mercy of GOD, Forbiddings of GOD.

[About Christmas] :

2.2 First limb of belief is GOD is just and fair, 100% scientific, 100% legal, 100% logical and does not make any mistakes like humans. It is one GOD, one entity, one source of all power and authority and not comparable or associated with anything [idolatry, polytheism]. [one] Creator is the owner of all creations. e.g. [PROTESTANISM]. In other words, GOD and the words of GOD are free from superstitions.

2.3 Human knowledge is limited to understanding the physical existence of GOD, Angel or SOUL of humans [phenomenons]. It is also said in holy books, human knowledge can not measure any physical existence of GOD as like the creation of the creator [galaxies or space, It is also said that there are seven galaxies]. [beyond knowledge]. The existence of GOD is not beyond our knowledge. see Creation & Creator. Angels of GOD came into visions of humans in various forms [ human, holograms of human] numerous times in the history, where followers of Moses hared messages of GOD when those were pronounced by the angel of message [Gabriel] to Moses in the Tur Mountain. Some early-age Christians mostly assume angels as [holy spirit]. It was significant in the history that people who were freed from slavery were following Moses did claim how they will believe that those messages were coming from the GOD. The angel of GOD pronounced the message in front of people who were selected by all people. Moses had to prove to his people about existence of GOD just after letting them walk through the sea. GOD placed a constant sign of GOD's existence for those people with a [piece of cloud] that was following over them to give shed from the sun when they were freed and going to their homeland. Jewish people still use that symbol of faith as a [small hat] on their heads.

2.4 Christians traditionally divide the Old Testament into four sections: 1) the first five books or Pentateuch (Torah); 2) the history books telling the history of the Israelites, from their conquest of Canaan to their defeat and exile in Babylon; 3) the poetic and "Wisdom" books dealing, in various forms, with questions of good and evil in the world; 4) and the books of the biblical prophets, warning of the consequences of turning away from God. There are controversies among Christian believers "what is Bible?".

2.5 Deconstruction of [old testament] introduced a new idea of [revelation] has various logical and fundamental controversies. e.g- [Unitarianism] rejects trinity. [Polish Brethren] are Nontrinitarian Protestant.

2.6 It cannot be argued that all of the symbols of religious belief were established by GOD in a long process of historical demonstrations or guidance must not conflict with each other, because GOD does not make mistakes or change mind about religious Symbols or beliefs. Up to the date of Ascension of Christ, Bible described GOD made Laws for humans. Everything after that is conspiracy of [Roman Kingdom] along with dirty innovations of the Devil. It appears in the history that Roman Emperors had a [false realization] after Martyrs of twelve saints in their hands and relocated the birthplace of Christ from Syria to Israeli claiming that they were [chosen people] to destroy and manipulate the bible for their imperialism. St. Peter become a medium to falsify there was a law-making power [alteration] was inherited to humans via Christ who appears to be their GOD, somehow making some Popes more powerful than the GOD to control the humans or make them free from slavery of a God they create. That trend gradually developed in the present form of democracy where all humans are lawmakers not the GOD. They reject GOD-made laws and do not look for it; instead, people become source of their power. Claiming Christ as GOD is the underlying conspiracy to invent the present reality. Devil is a symbol of intervention who enters our [mind of souls] to wake up the part of soul who is bad and who could commit the sin. Devil gives us wake-up calls to represent all bad things for humans as good and also all bad characteristics of humans as good to make humans slaves of those desires. At some point, humans become slaves of the Devil and do not understand the difference between good and bad, keep worshipping the Devil in their conscious.

2.7 Dispersion of 12 saints was an idea to save the written copy of the Bible. Saints were hiding in various places with the expectation that humans will accept the words of GOD. Bible was written by Jesus Christ himself as per messages from GOD, sent via angel of message [at para 4]. The angel Gabriel taught Jesus Christ how to write as like when Moses was writing his Torah on stones. Some messages via Gabriel were pronounced in the presence of some of the saints [ ex. the prophecy of crucification of christ from GOD]. All different parts of the scriptures [Holy Bible] were saved by the saint Peter up until his martyred were published after a long period of time in various human formats using the names of 12 saints also newly claimed saints to make those acceptable for people. Bible was written on animal skins. Twelve saints did not have any such duty or authority to write any scripture on their own. There was no believer of GOD by the time when 4000 years passed after the death of Mosses. Saints were captured by Roman emperors and killed exactly like Christ. It was said that Saint Peter had been given the duty to carry the bible written on animal skins. It was also believed that Saint Peter was the only saint who was given the duty to carry the bible on his own when everyone was fleeing from the city. Kingdom took away Holy Bible from St. Peter as well as his life and shaped the bible with their nuisance. So some attributes, ideas, and symbols are not in the right [original] format because of human interactions. The involvements of acquaintances of Roman emperors [newly claimed saints] mostly opportunistic, self-centric, speculative and suspicious because these are the people who crucified Jesus Christ. [Holy Bible = Messages of GOD sent to Jesus Christ via the angel Gabriel - all contradictory human interactions and false stories]. First of all, no saints were sanctioned to write any messiah of Christ. There is no possible way that the 12 saints pronounced or wrote about a god which was a relative of humans preferably the father of Christ. It appears that they create a father of Christ who could be married to Merriam that no one has seen also create a sculpture of Christ and pray to both. They do not have any relation with the GOD or Christ the Prophet. Christ won't have any account of these people on the date of judgement who was worshipping a [creation of an artist] in their whole life. Here to conclude, the first published copies of Gospels had some substance only for the reason that they were published after the time when the Quran was pronounced by the messenger of GOD to everyone. They came up with their version of a story that tries to crown some kingdoms that were killed by the khakifat starting from the notion of Islam. There is not a single piece of animal skin published by Christ available to anyone. The only evidence of GOD message we have is the [HOLY QURAN] which is the present and past source of the Gospels we find in written format. It was already discussed and uttered by the prophet Jesus Christ in verses of the GOD that the GOD made the eighth HELL, especially for these people who will disfigure the messages from the GOD with human works. The idea here is the laws that came to convert the kings into Christianity was the amendment of the Torah the first law book was ended at a time. Quran started 500 years after Christ with additional amendments the full or complete version of the religion (”Deen” in Arabic ). So Christianity may not include some laws which were pronounced after 500 years with demonstrations. As an example, 5 pillars of Islam were collected by the prophet Mohammed by himself meeting the GOD in person in the assembly of the GOD. Jihad was a privilege given to the prophet Mohamed to declare. The reality is jehad came into existence only for the reason that the prophet Jesus was attempted to be killed by kingdom where 12 saints were killed by the kingdom. [Khalifat] came with the same consequence. The exact similarities you will find when you will compare [Hindu faith books] represent characters with the exactness of the stories with the stories of the 24000 prophets in the history but disfigured in the belief system. They end up making some artwork to claim them as gods in considerable numbers whereas Christianity end up with similar human artworks worshippers disfigured in belief.

2.8 It is not arguable that some messiahs are viewable from materials we find as Bible[s]. It may be possible to recover all original messiahs from materials if we have fundamental knowledge about GOD-made religions. It won't be wise to claim that GOD sent such a prophet who lived a life of insect or Dog to become their saviour. It appears some Christians claim Christ could be saviour of animals somehow. All other creations other than humans are to serve humans or for entertainment of humans. When humans show kindness to other creatures with their abilities, GOD saves some kindness for those humans in their next life. On the contrary, all creatures those are harmful, will harm humans, will be punished. The [rule to slaughtering upon the name of GOD] some of the domestic animals for food neutralises all harms by consent of GOD.

How we believe:

3.1 Belief system is a process of understanding or teaching that was introduced by GOD when the creation of ADAM&EVE was happening in the heaven. GOD created the world before the creation of humans where Adam&Eve was given all ideas [thought] about their journey to the world when they were evicted for their sin. It was the first GOD-made law established that not listening to the GOD-made law is a severe sin. GOD decorated the world with various creations for the sake of humans when they were leaving the heaven. GOD described creations and guided them with messages from time to time that humans can recover from their worldly sins and come back to the heaven.

3.2 The process of teaching by the creator's-self is spontaneous and autonomous. GOD sent 24,000 prophets to this world followed by Adam&Eve after their arrival. Four of them were messengers. The era of prophetism was declared to be finished when the last messenger of GOD pronounced his last declarations for humans. The era of spiritual power was declared to be finished. Messiah of GOD was declared to be finished as well. The last word of Muhammad was declared, "people who will make decisions with the power of his law book Quran will never come to [any agreement] about any wrong issue those will arise in future". It was also given the duty to the Khalifat that [“everyone must be served.”] It was already established by the last messenger that “words/religion must not spread by force.”

3.3 All messages of GOD were for knowledge and development of humans sent through one angel of GOD. As a result, holy books are the main sources of how we give on our faith where prophets and messengers were media of GOD to reach us. GOD reached humans through humans who can speak their languages and who can practically demonstrate the messiah as humans to the other humans. No one in the world had any authority in the human history to alter any messiah or suggest one from their own knowledge. It is all about application of GOD given messiahs at the individual levels in different contexts and consequences of individual humans. Applications of messiahs may have individuality of characters without any alteration. As far as humans can practice all messiahs become one step closer to the 7 of the heavens. Christ practices messiahs given to him with his saints and some followers during his life period. As an example, Christ was passing by various places from Syria to Egypt including the eastern part of Europe [ Greece] and helping the poor and sick people with his spiritual power. He was the only messenger who brought some [dead people into life], given [eyesight back to blind people] just with the touch of his hand in front of people when it was necessary. This Messiah was re-established when GOD sent two angels to [dissect the chest of the prophet Muhammad] and take out all his body parts from inside. The angels washed those body parts of the prophet with water and settled them back inside him when he was still alive and anaesthetized. It was said that some harb was used for anesthesia. It was said that the process was necessary in a metaphorical way to wash out some sins of Muhammad those were infecting his body and those sins were actually instructed by GOD for the sake of humans. As it is known that a number of kingdoms were destroyed by the prophet as per messages of the GOD before the dissection happened. To make the history straight, everyone must know that prophet Mohammad was leading the Jihad came in massages of GOD; a group of people with 100s or less cannot destroy the whole Roman kingdom[s] from any perspective of logic and reality; it was possible only because angels of GOD were in the battle under the leadership to make an end of EVIL KINGDOM. It is also significant in the history that when prophet Mohammed practicals his lifestyle with the rules of GOD, he appears to justify how much food could necessarily keep a human active to establish waste of GOD-given foods is a sin. Prophet Muhammad appears to use his [own words] to translate the GOD-given laws from holy Books. 

3.4 We believe in something from our physical experience or knowledge. We believe in something when it is found to be the truth or found to be the only believable reality. Human dignity [soul] is a character of GOD who and how creates or pursues the existence or faith. GOD creates humans with "good and bad" and casts it in a physical form and declares the supremacy of the creation who can avoid the bad for the love of GOD.

3.5 Human soul [phenomenon] is a character of GOD where reflects feelings upon GOD. Judgements are reflections of same concurrent process [belief system].

3.6 GOD has 99 good [characteristics] as like as human souls are made in similar adjectives [image of GOD] more or less in every human. As a result, humans are not comparable. GOD creates good and bad and messiahs the humans to follow the goodness of GOD.

3.7 Transfiguration of Jesus Christ was a very common phenomenon in the history of prophetism that all prophets had [extra volume of GOD's image] or good characteristics. It was flourishing on the face and body of all prophets at a certain age or level of their prophetism. Transfiguration is not new in the history and all 24,000 prophets had this experience at a certain point of their life.

3.8 It is necessary that we know about some prophets and how they expressed their belief up on GOD. It was said about a prophet that he did not stop crying since his birth until he turned 12. It was a [historical reason] that he was so tensed by the reality of the world where he was sent, how humans could possibly live a sin-free life avoiding all temptations in such a world, why he was punished so severely by coming to this world. GOD made him prophet and eased him with messiahs of GOD that " GOD forgives forgivable sins". On the contrary, GOD turns a prophet into an [invisible man] when he claims that he was given a very short life in this world and was deprived of increasing his good deeds. The prophet lives forever in this world up to the end of the world as an invisible man. Another prophet appears to suffer a significant time in his life in sickness. He appears to claim those as [simple tests of GOD] to verify his faith. At some point of sickness, his body infects with bruises and insects start living in there. It is said that the prophet does not dare to kill even those small creations of GOD who were causing him pain, the prophet's faith guides him to believe that those pain may reduce some of his punishments on the day of judgement those may be waiting for him.

Why we believe:

4.1 Our souls do not have any end as like as GOD. It lives infinite. We live for our souls and this is why we are humans.

4.2 Our souls are free by nature that we have control over. We get returns for our beliefs and deeds in accordance. We seek peace in our souls and this is the reason we are humans. Human souls are free to choose their destiny to heaven or hell. This is the reason GOD explains the free wills of humans in the judgement.

4.3 Every single act of humans leads by some form of belief or faith. Humans want to take control over their deeds by nature. GOD creates the nature of humans and messiahs them for their eternal life.

4.4 Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ are very symbolic to give on our faith about some divine truths. Resurrection is an experience every human will have to face on judgement day. Humans were not given any right by GOD to occur any harm to their own body or other's. [One GOD is owner of all creations]. It is necessary to resurrect as intact as possible for this reason. Bible is teaching us with the demonstration from the life of Jesus Christ to keep our faith on. Ascension is an alleged reward to Jesus Christ from GOD who was entitled to go to heaven without Judgement . This reward is not new in the history, [GOD given this promise] to some other people before, in the history, who were not even prophets. As an example, when Noah was ordered to make a boat to save all living creations of GOD in the world, a Non-believer helped the Noah to make the boat. It was said that the person was as tall as some hills who was instructed to go to the Nile River and collect a specific tree. When the world was going underwater Noah tried to pick him up on his boat. The person did not believe Noah that the whole world will be underwater for a period of time. The person died in the flood but GOD given a promise to the person that on the day of Judgement he will get infinite numbers of breads to satisfy his hunger as he asked for to Noah. It was also said that humans gradually became smaller since Adam was as tall as 12 feet or more. Now, Ascension has two different description in Holy Books. In one it says Jesus was dead on the cross and then resurrected and came back to his people. In the other it says Jesus was not dead on the cross he came back unrestricted to his people and left the world by Ascension. For this reason, Quran affirms that Jesus was not dead and he will come back to the world with a different name as a different person as usual as a follower of the last messenger. It means his soul will be resurrected with all others on the judgment day as Jesus with a different name after his death in this world that did not happen before in the hand of the evil king.

4.5 It is also established in the history that only the twelve saints and mother of Jesus Christ was [promised by GOD] to be taken to heaven as a reward of GOD. It is also significant in the history that saints gave up their life almost similar way like Jesus Christ except only one saint took away his own life. Taking away own life is an unforgivable sin but only forgivable if it was instructed by GOD.

4.6 It is also significant in the history that some people in different locations of the Roman empire was claiming the [vision of Christ] or they were Saint's of Christ from that sense. If we pinpoint exact time of acceptance of Christianity that will be with the notion of new testament or idea of revelation introduced by Roman emperor or their acquaintances. It was also evident in the history that Jewish people had disagreements about accepting Bible or Jesus Christ where the notion of revelation created significant effects in the belief system of those people. It is also evident in the history that Torah became a part of bible as a notion. It is not untrue that history before the time of Christ includes the history of Moses. Bible does not reject any messiah of the Torah.

4.7 Idea of trinity, baptism and revelation are only controversies in the history does not evident by any firmly established contribution from any Saint and absolutely not invention of GOD or Jesus . It was not any of the twelve saints who were actually hiding / travelling [dispersion of saints happened] in different locations as apparent consequences in the history. As a result ideas are rejected and reformed argued by other in modern history and modern literature. They are not part of GOD-made religion or do not hold value in Christianity instead increase the sin of people to the unforgivable level.

4.8 It is not a [mystery], it is a conspiracy, construction also a misrepresentation of originality of the religion conflicting with all fundamental rules of religion "one GOD", "one divine entity", "incommunicable divinity of God" mostly re-agreed during the time of reformation [protestant, Unitarian, orthodox] with very little exceptions.

4.9 As described the idea of [original sin] in Creator&Creation [at paragraph 3] , it is an idea to prove GOD is just. Humans will have to recover from their own [individual] sins with their good deeds. The Idea of [Baptism] creates a false impression to people that baptism may wipe off any sin of humans. First of all, some scripture may introduce the idea as John baptised Jesus Christ during his life period but unfortunately, it is not alleged by John himself in any of his scriptures. The human-made stories obviously kept its discrepancy as usual. The reliability of the idea is questioned from the above two perspectives because the idea itself is false. Some Christian people accept it as a [ritual] only not the messiah of Christ.

Prayer of GOD:

5.1 Prayer of GOD has three limbs
  • Dual Existence
  • Purification
  • Messiah
Dual Existence:

5.2 Dual existence is an idea that gives us two existences in this world. Our physical existence is our body and bodily desires. Our soul is our spiritual existence with heavenly desire or unworldly thoughts. Prayer of GOD is a complete submission of two of our existences to our creator.

5.2 First of all we will have to thank our GOD for our given existence. Humans must appreciate creations of GOD as per GOD's definitions and restrictions as those were for humans.


5.3 Human body and soul must be pure when they pray to their GOD. It is about having ratification or valuation of prayer. Human body should be pure when they seek something important or significant in their life or just claim for heaven in the next life with reference to their own good deeds. It is not like regular random communication with GOD. Human souls should be free from contaminations or worldly desires because it is about seeking something for next life out of the world. It is beyond knowledge that how much good deeds in which stages of life could reach a human to heaven or how much sin in different stages of life could lead a human to hell where some sins are forgiveable to GOD in some suggested ways or by prayer. But it is in our knowledge that which sins are unforgivable or forbidden and which sins are easy to recover in different stages of life. It is necessary to seek forgiveness from GOD for our unknown sins with our limited knowledge. It is necessary to claim a consequential life [worldly prayer] that may not result in sins as like as when GOD guides prophets via angels [holy spirit].


5.4 Messiah is mandatory to seek the attention of the creator. Though the creator knows what is in their minds but creator also must know the source of the prayer. When someone uses a source [bible to Jesus Christ] he or she must acknowledge the dependency on the messiah and give on their faith and belief in their messiah completely. It is also part of purification. Messiah is not only about how to pray what to pray it is also about [making the prayer acceptable by the GOD]. When an inventor invents something in support of messiahs becomes useful for humans and all others in controversy those invented by the devil through humans only for known and unknown harms of humans. As an example, a small piece of messiah might need a wide range of [social organizations] to implement and practice it. So there will be interventions of humans to establish a messiah at individual and collective levels.

Forbidding of GOD:

[Forbidding of GOD established in history can not be altered by any messenger or prophet]

6.1 It is critical, controversial to justify forbiddings of GOD may change value over the time. As an example, doing sin has a vast range of meanings in our life or in holy books. Some of these are forbidden.

6.2 As at [para-3.9] of Christianity & Trinity we may verify the intention of GOD. Leonardo Da Vinci done some research to confirm how exact replica or portrait of human was possible to build for first time in human history. Some Roman emperor made their replica with template created from their own body, then material used to poured into the template to create exact replica or human figure. There was no successful replica or portrait of human [face mainly] before the time. Palestinian or Israeli people did not have that [technology of art], if even they had it, we can not logically conclude anyone used that technology to build replica or exact portrait of Jesus Christ. It is GOD's will that there is no real portrait of any prophet exist in human history because human mastered that skill of art after their time where it is practically impossible at the time of Christ. All portrait and replica of Jesus Christ are absolutely false, assumptive, speculative have no historical or religious value in Christianity.

6.3 Some sins are forbidden will result in indefinite hell. Some sins are forgivable. At [Christianity and trinity- verdicts, para -1.2, 1.3, 2.4, 2.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 5.2] some sins are marked as forbidden means unforgivable sin will result in infinite hell. All this histories were written in bible to affirm forbiddings of GOD. Praying to human made gods in unforgivable sin will result in indefinite hell.

6.4 The benefit of the early death [so called salvation] belongs to followers of Jesus Christ up to a certain extends and it is not arguable also must be confined to forgiveable sins only. This privilege is also not arguable because some remained unknown in conspiracies.

6.5 Judgement day is a fundamental form of belief where every human will be treated in a similar way including all prophets and messengers as humans. GOD given privileges to some humans with clear declarations [rewards of GOD] like Jesus Christ was entitled to go to heaven. [Ascension]

6.6 Unlike learning from the life of Jesus Christ we must consider what are the orders of GOD through Jesus Christ [teaching of Jesus Christ] to us before we conclude anything.

6.7 As agreed by protestant and unitarian, worship of material or human is unforgivable sin. It is forbidden because only devil did not agree with the supremacy of GOD's new creation humans with own image [characters] of GOD. It is degrading and disgusting mainly for that reason. We must keep our souls purified [free from contaminations worldly assumptions or visions] when we pray to GOD with [messiah] of Jesus Christ. It will be always an empty space or the space we can see where we cast our prayers to a GOD who does not have any physical existence. It is mandatory to think Christ as a human or his soul as like as us when we pronounce his messiahs to pray. Those are also messiahs when we use example of Christ as a human to have our pray accepted to GOD as humans [precedents]. It is not speculation if Christians claim for Ascension in their prayer. It is an obvious speculation if we believe someone could be sanctioned heaven on the day of judgement even if they did not accept any of the messengers as their messiah or they prayed to a creation of artist in the church or to a son of a god they create in their mind definitely to another human. No one will recognise them as their follower or solicit them for heaven.

6.8 There is no evidence in any holy book to accept worshipping anything other than the GOD. Messiahs are more like examples from true history represented in Bible of Christ how humans were rewarded or punished as like as Christ.

Verses of Gospels:

The Case for Christ (Releases 2017)


Released 1999

Released 2003

Released 2003

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