Christianity & Trinity :
Christianity is an [idea of sacrifice] for humans demonstrated by GOD. As predicted and described in other holy books sent from GOD ( Torah- Moses , Quran – Muhammad ). Jesus Christ was a [prophet&messenger] like two others who became [Saviour] of half of the world. [Birth of Christ] was the most historic moment in human history, almost similar to [creation of first humans Adam&Eve] who had no father or mother. Christ came to world approximate 4000 years after Moses in a very critical time in history. Christ became famous and accepted after his death because of the untouchable influence of Kingdom. [King was god], no one was allowed to challenge the idea. The most hardest part for Christ was to make people believe in a GOD who does not exist in this world, as like as the [idea of Heaven & Hell]. From physical evidence in history we find, he was entitled to establish the [2nd law book] sent from GOD is the [holy bible]. It was unfortunate that [Saints] lost some parts of bible when they were fleeing from the city at the time of [salvation]. Because those parts were stored in the houses of other [followers] of Jesus Christ. [Christianity] subdivided into [3 major groups].
- Christ is God
- Christ is son of God
- Christ is a messenger of God
[Full Scripture of Holy Bible VS notions or rumours, assumptions, speculations] [Notion of Trinity VS contribution of Devil].
Verdict: where [idea of creation and creator = constant in all holy books] were fundamental. [Creator= who only creates].
Verdict: [Verses of bible] are metaphorical and something that humans can not write or think, if we believe in any of the 3 ideas [notions] of Christianity.
Verdict: From historical evidence, [12 Saint's duty] was memorising verses of GOD which could help them to restore the part that they lost [error free words of GOD= Holy Bible].
Verdict: [Dispersion of 12 Saints] was only about safeguarding the originality [copy] of the Bible and stop all contaminations and misrepresentations of [messages of GOD] by Jewish people and acquaintances of Roman emperor. Saints were unable to stop and they left the world willingly in a similar way like Jesus Christ [for that reason]. Most possible source of this idea [trinity] is Devil. Believing in this idea without any message of GOD is [unforgivable sin] will result in infinite hell. This idea is breaching all fundamental laws of religion or GOD in a very organised way as always [Devil the Great] has been contributing in the history on various occasions.
It is way beyond destroying our common sense about understanding the difference in between a human and GOD or creator and creation, it is nasty trick of fraud to believe in [one GOD] who is not constant in his one existence, or to accept [three Gods in two different forms] who are actually relatives somehow, where the actual GOD did not have any [physical form]. Devil the great is like most sedative drug in the history. And the drug was "Devil won't let people believe in one GOD."
Holy Bible:
["One GOD, One source of all Power and Authorities"]
One creator owner of all creations.
Peter was the main saint who was given the duty to carry the holy Bible. He had the most part of the bible except some minor messages [verses] left in followers house where those were pronounced by Jesus Christ in particular contexts in the history. I have summarized the Holy Bible that the Saint Peter had with him in three parts as below:
Establishments of Cities in the physical history of Human Beings:
[Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid three human clans]
Carbon test timeline: [biblical era]
1. Adam lived for 1000 years (cannot be dated by carbon test because of great flood)

1.1 Adam&Eve used to give birth of two children at a time where one is male, one is female. As a result as per GOD's will the first son used to get married with second daughter. This is how [reproduction] of human being started. Adam&Eve was guided by GOD to cultivate food for family and live safe from harmful animals. GOD relocates a prayer place from heaven to the world as per pray of Adam&Eve where they were entitled to pray like before. Present Mecca is named as "house of GOD" as because it was built in heaven.
1.2 GOD instructed Adam to describe to his children how to bury humans when they are dead. It was also established as a [mandatory rule] of GOD to bury dead bodies underneath soil, because on the judgement day souls will take on their bodies [resurrection] and will be extracted for judgement. GOD also instructed Adam through the angel of message that his sons need to be circumcised before the age they come to their sense.
1.3 [Enoch] is the seventh generation of Adam. Enoch [lived 365 years] before he was taken by GOD. During his period [black magic] invented in this world. Two angels came from heaven to this world who was misguided by the [Devil] and turned into source of black magic. The angels were actually infatuated with two [prostitutes] and forgot to do their duties. It was said that GOD sent angels to live life of humans and understand their feelings. These two angels were present in this world during the time of Solomon [son of David] at paragraph 5.2.
1.4 Some places are described as place like ancient cities during and after the life time of Adam till the time Noah came to the world.
2. Noah- lived for 1500 years-(approximate 13000 BC)
2.1 It is hard to define from history that exactly when [date] the Negroid and Mongoloid clans were flourished from [descendants] of Noah, but it was after [great flood] in between the time period of Noah and Abraham. Negroid clan was [migrated] to present Africa and Mongoloid clan was migrated from present Mongolia to far east of Asia. Bible describes human history as it was before the date of arrival of the Christ.
2.2 Great flood is an event in biblical history where it believed to be the whole world was under water for a certain period of [biblical time]. Noah was Saviour of [humankind] and all other [animal kinds and plants] at that time made a [technologically advanced boat] to carry everyone until the flood was ending. It is also a religious belief that the present map of the world was created after great flood where the land surface of the world was adjoined or as [one piece of land] before. This is the only reason ADAM&EVE was able to [get together] though they were thrown into [two different ends of the world]. Still now science argues, what might be the location of their arrival with various claims. If we look at the world map we can view it clearly that it was one piece of land before where science agrees with the fact that it took million years to have all continents of the world to be detached or come to its present form. It is defined in an way of [biblical time], two angels of GOD dig down the water and reform [restructure] the new land surface and [allocate seas and mountains likewise] in [thirty days]. The idea of great flood is defined here with help of Bible and Quran. It was also said that plants started growing all over the world as soon as Noah planted them. Birds started carrying seeds from place to place as soon as Noah freed them. All animals were freed to the grounds and forests. Noah developed a spiritual power from GOD to make all animals listen to his commands.
2.3 The [mode of production] was mainly dominated by [feudalism] before and after great flood also there was a form of [Kingdom] in different groups or clans after great flood. Kingdom is an idea flourished from [Band & Tribe system] where [Hunting & Gathering] was most primitive [division of labour] as per science. Science believes Apes were smart enough to develop weapons for hunting. They also believe three different kinds of Apes converted into three different clans of humans in three different locations in a long process of change in weather and development of world which started with some dinosaurs who were extinct and the process likely to be of millions of years. Noah was developing feudalism but this [ancient form of mode of production] actually and largely developed by Abraham or during the period of his time. People followed by Noah lived in different groups cultivated in different groups flourished to kingdom or leaderships. People astray from mainstream population remained hunter gatherers in band tribe system in various destinations of the world. Science started gathering information from 1400 AD and started generating [history of Europe] by 1600 AD based on fossils of uncivilised people they found in their grounds and other colonial locations.
2.4 Wine [alcohol] was invented during Noah's time, [domestication of animals for trade], [agriculture], [irrigation] and other form of developments were happening during his period. Noah had a stick [used in domestication] where his [Spiritual power] was stored. It was carried forwarded to Moses with his power is [Noah's Magic Stick]. Invention of alcohol is described in Quran as a contribution of Devil him-self in the [history of invention], Quran strictly forbids [forbidden by GOD] toxic use of alcohol for this reason. Toxic use of alcohol was a prophecy of Devil as per its contribution in invention.
2.5 Noah built a [prayer place] near in present Syria with the wood of his Boat. He anchored his boat through read sea near to this prayer place. This prayer place became historic because Moses [stored his holy book Torah] in this place. Jesus Christ was born in this place. It was [safe heaven] for both prophets. Most probable name of this prayer place is 'Bytul Muccaddas."
2.6 This is an [absolute historical truth] that "Adam&Eve" started human civilization in this world [approximately at the middle of the world] only with two people are only ancestors of human kind, in other words "[actual father and mother of all humankind]". Noah started a [new civilization of humankind] after great flood approximately at the middle of the [new world] only with [approximate 16 people/followers] including some members of his family, who actually [believed in a GOD who does not exist in this world] also believed [Noah was instructed by GOD with GOD's message sent through the Angel of GOD]. It is also historical that Noah was able to acquire approximate 16 believers during his 1600 years of life.
2.7 The part in bible named as Genesis or the history of creator and creation was always believed and pronounced by all prophets in different time period. In between the time period of Noah and Abraham some historical truth were established with the help of prophets who were carrying the messages of GOD to people. There was a town where people started practising homosexuality as their [new] [sexual orientation]. The prophet who was living in that town was received message from GOD that "people are trapped in conspiracy of DEVIL again, they are practising a sexual orientation that is harmful and forbidden. GOD has nothing to deal with their own choice." The prophet was given a specific time frame to stop this [unforgivable sin] or GOD will flip the whole town underground and all people will be buried alive on that day. The prophet was unable to stop and he was instructed to leave the town immediately. The whole town was flipped underground and everyone [whole city] was buried alive. This is most severe punishment demonstrated in the history by GOD to establish what it means by forbidden or unforgivable sin will result in infinite hell.
3.Abraham-Mesopotamia-(approximate 5500 BC) [Paganism vs Abrahamic religions]
3.1 As stated in above paragraphs Abraham was also one of a [Prophets of GOD = approximate 24,000] unlike Noah but they were not [Messengers] like Jesus Christ. They did not have any [Law book] only had some messages from GOD where most of those [verses] are found in bible as reference by Jesus Christ. The last book of law to Muhammad had references from both prophets [ Moses & Jesus] where all laws were established by [historical determinations] by GOD. The main idea of religious belief is no one keeping an [exact form of history] or [error free determination] other than the messengers of GOD.
3.2 Believing in a prophet or their suggested way to deal with history or its effects in our life [physical, spiritual, after death] is an idea defined by GOD [creator of creation] as [messiah] in all law books or Holy books [ messages of GOD]. This foundation of belief system is created by GOD saved by GOD to guide humans to heaven where they were sanctioned at the beginning of creation.
3.3 Abraham is the [most historic prophet] of GOD because from his time development of world [mode of production, division of labour, legal system, physical invention] was strengthening in various ways of invention. The first city of the world was built in Mesopotamia [ the most fertile land]. He travelled all over the world to establish [agricultural system] , [forestation] and [environmental friendly lifestyle] for people. Only [upper part of the Europe] was not populated at that time because of existence of ferocious human eating animals also said that there were some humans started eating humans in that area. It actually took time for humans to find a way of living in [cold weather].
3.4 Abraham killed the [king of Mesopotamian kingdom] Nimrod because he was claiming him-self as GOD. At [para 6.7]
3.5 The second reason is he [Abraham] is the [main bloodline] of GOD's message. Abraham had two wives. The descendant of his first wife is Moses and Jesus Christ [present Western Arab & Europe]. Descendant of second wife is Muhammad [Eastern Arab]. I had to borrow history from both Quran and Bible to verify this issue though Quran came to the world only 500 years after bible and most part of it [history and determination of law] was repetition of bible. The main idea is [change and development of the world] and how the followers will cope with it. It is significant in the history how Muhammad destroys "devil kingdoms" and introduces the idea of Khifat which was formed by fellow and breve population who were powered by the words of GOD only. There was a similarity how Moses established twelve independent states with twelve leaders. Khalifat safeguards the last law book and its applications demonstrated in the last messenger's life. Khalifat applies the law without any funding from common people also creates a common fund for donation from rich people. The GOD made law establishes that rich people will give away "a certain percentage of their assets" and " a certain percentage of their collectables" to poor people in two big festivals in certain months of every year. The fund was created with the request of rich people who used to pay on their own before. The Khelifs used to run the fund also all legal judgements in their free times from their own employment. It appears that they used to donate from their own wealth into the fund though they used to run the fund. The population is a counting factor for the context because one Khalif used to run the hole Arab from 500 AD.
3.6 Abraham created [Hanging Gardens of Babylon] during his period of time. Abraham was also famous for [Capturing Evil Genies]. He captured most evil genies during his period of time and put them in boxes and buried them underneath the black sea.
3.7 The [birth of Abraham] and birth of Moses had a similarity. The [royal wizard] predicted the birth of Abraham who will kill the king of Mesopotamia [Nimrod]. All newborns were killed on the date but Abraham survived. He was borne in the house of a solder of the king. His mother was [instructed by the GOD] to throw the child Abraham into the hole of Cooking stove because Abraham was born with this [Spiritual Power] to protect him-self from fire.
3.8 Worship of human monument was invented by Devil himself just before the time of Abraham. Exact replica of human was first created by Devil itself. There was a prophet attributes to be one of the good looking [including highest volume of GOD's image] prophets sent by GOD. After the death of the prophet, Devil manipulated his sons to take the replica of their late father and worship that material [replica] which devil made. The sons were so surprised to see their father in a form of sculpture and convinced to warship it. It is forbidden by GOD [unforgivable Sin] to worship any material or keep any near prayer place to distract the main purpose of prayer to the one and only GOD. Worship of material or accepting any material as purpose of pray is creation of Devil to distract humans from one and only GOD. Only acceptable use of material those we usually use for counting our prayers.
3.9 Prayer places [Churches] are not only for humans they are also for [Angels of GOD=Uncountable] who are continuously visiting the world with the order of GOD. Angels are forbidden to enter the Church if there is a single piece of human portrait or sculpture in a prayer place. It is more like displaying lifeless dead bodies to distract our mind from one and only GOD as desired by Devil. Only GOD creates humans and only GOD can give them souls. People who made those humans and could not give them souls to make them alive they will be punished severely for trying to be GOD. Only images of flowers and plants [or image of prayer place it-self] are allowed to be displayed in prayer places as per instruction of GOD. GOD instructing us with verses "as like as humans all angels are created only to pray to the one and only GOD".
3.10 In between the time period of Noah and Abraham there was a king who was practically exhausted with the idea of GOD that does not exist in this world or we can not see the presence. The king was getting the idea of heaven and hell from his contemporary prophets who were encouraging the king to operate his kingdom with the faith of one GOD. They were encouraging the king to help humans with their wealth those where allocated to him by GOD. King challenged the idea of heaven&hell as main purpose of believing in one GOD. The king built his own heaven for years of construction with the help of all world famous inventors as per descriptions of heaven given by contemporary prophets. The construction of the heaven was finished and the king was invited to enter the heaven as the first person. GOD concluded the idea with a demonstration to everyone in kingdom " king passed away sadly with a heart failure before even enter his heaven he made for years." Claim to be a GOD or try to be a GOD is similar kind of unforgivable sin will result in infinite hell. No one was allowed in the history to challenge the idea of GOD or one GOD [creator = who only creates].
4. Egyptian civilization ( approximate 4000 BC)
4.1 Moses freed all slaves from [Pharaoh] and established them in [12 separate kingdoms] in most part of Arab [east west and some lower parts of Europe]. Egypt is taken to be part of [eastern Arab] here.
4.2 Pharaoh was an undertaker [occupation] migrated from Mesopotamia to Egypt and established his life inside kings palace in a consequence. The lower part of Africa was populated by Negroid population. Pharaoh took [slaves from both Africa and Arab] to build his kingdom. The [mix of Caucasian and Negroid] population occurred during this time period.
4.3 [Birth of Moses] was historical and had similarity with birth of Abraham. Pharaoh was predicted by his [royal wizard] that he will be killed by Moses also predicted the time of the birth of Child. Pharaoh killed all newborns on the date but Moses survived with the help of his sister who placed him in a box and flown it inside the palace of Pharaoh through Blue Nile river. Moses was brought up by wife of Pharaoh and his first [marriage] was daughter of Pharaoh. Moses was [banned from Egypt] because he killed a solder during the construction of Pyramid to save a slave from discrimination. Pharaoh did not take away life of Moses but banned him from the kingdom. Moses migrated to western Arab and became Prophet and messenger of GOD.
4.4 Moses acquired the [magic stick of Noah], he gathered solders with the help of [12 brothers] in western Arab kingdom and attacked Pharaoh [Egypt] to free all slaves to their home to establish new kingdom with the rule of Holy book [Torah]. Moses divided the water of the sea with his magic stick to make a path for the people those he was saving from slavery. They crossed the sea by walk and reached to their home where solders of Pharaoh were buried under sea when they were crossing through the path. It was said that there were 12 brothers, 12 states and 12 pieces of rock used to write the Holy Torah should have 12 commandments.
4.5 Moses had the [most extraordinary privilege] from the GOD that he was entitled to speak with the GOD or listen to the GOD's instructions any time he liked. GOD only given a [demonstration of existence] [once in this world] with request of Moses. The verses of GOD explained to Moses 'human eyes cannot accommodate the existence of GOD. So GOD reflected a Ray of light that human can see on a mountain and that mountain burnt to an extraordinary type of carbon." People started using that carbon as eye shade as a fashion. The mountain is described in Holy Book Torah still exist in this world. To understand this idea of revelation you must understand the idea of [transfiguration] are similar terms related to image of GOD or characteristics of GOD which humans are created from.
4.6 Moses established first law book [Torah] in all kingdoms [independent states], he killed Pharaoh. He stored his holy book [ written on 12 pieces of rocks] in a big box in the [prayer place] built by Noah at para 2.4. Moses left kingdom to 12 brothers with the law, to live in the prayer place made by Noah.
4.7 It is also established in the history that after his death all established kingdoms were start claiming the ownership of holy book [Torah]. Kings sent solders to [loot] it from the prayer place and solders from different kingdoms had a big battle for it. At some point the whole prayer place [built from woods of Noah's boat] was relocated somewhere in Nazareth or Palestine. Some parts of the Torah written on stones were broken during the battle and the prayer place was relocated several times during the history.
4.8 Jesus Christ was born in the actual prayer place [near in present Syria] where the [Torah] was stolen from the place including the woods of Noah's boat by [present Israeli and Palestinian = western Arab] solders. Some prophets of GOD always maintained this prayer place because of the [prophesy of GOD about birth of Jesus Christ] in that place. [read the Chapter nameed Maryam in Holy Quran].
5. David the king (Israel] (1000 BC)
5.1 David was the only messenger/ prophet who became king. He killed giant Philistine warrior Goliath and became king. David was given a [Book of prayer = Psalms] by GOD. David did not have a law book to establish. It was a book of poem describing beauties of GOD's creations. He had a power [Spiritual Power] that when he used to sing verses of psalms all animals and plants used to bend over to show respect to the GOD with him as way of prayer.
5.2 David was effective king in battle and civil and criminal justice. His son Solomon followed his path and relocated his kingdom to [Babylon]. During the time of [Solomon] black magic [ as mentioned in para 1.2] came to his contact and he [buried the book of black magic] to stop.
6. Jesus of Nazareth- approximate 4000 years after Moses.
6.1 Mariam was a caretaker of the prayer place as it was built by Noah. No woman was allowed in that place except her because she was entitled to safeguard the place, she was entitled to give birth of Prophet Jesus Christ. It was predicted and established by messages of GOD sent to other prophets and messengers [there are total 24,000 prophets of GOD as stated in Bible] during the period. Everyone including Mariam was informed that, "Mariam will give birth of a child as a [creation of GOD] not having a father".
6.2 Please refer back to the first paragraph of this article to find links to the [idea of Christianity] from this [chronology of human history].
6.3 Jesus Christ left the prayer place to perform his duty as a messenger and prophet in a young age when became a prophet. He headed to western Arab regain to take control over the kingdoms actually established by Moses 4000 years before. During the time of Christ he showed his [Spiritual Power] to his followers in different kingdoms. He given eye sights to blind peoples with his power, he also brought back some people to life from their death. His main aim was to abolish the [bad influence of kingdom] or [Evil kings] and establish bible among people.
6.4 [Salvation] early death of Jesus Christ was historical and metaphorical if we consider [Spiritual Power] of Jesus Christ. King was looking for Christ for a long as soon as he was in his realm. He was challenging the idea of kingdom [king is God] with bible or messages of GOD. He was never been captured by solders of king because of his power. It was also said that angels of GOD were always showing him ways. Salvation is a [demonstration of GOD with consent of Jesus Christ] who accepted the prophecy of GOD to sacrifice [his life] for human kind. It was also a belief among people after the death of Christ that someone [looking alike Christ] was killed [physical sacrifice] by the king, but the truth was Christ's [soul = his life] left the world and went straight to heaven after his acceptance of GOD's prophecy. It is also established in Bible that one of the saints was prophesied to be the person who will have to identify the Jesus Christ for the king. This is why Salvation of prophet was metaphorical and established by physical demonstration only. Jesus was meeting with very selected people [followers] to spread the words of Bible and only the saints and followers used to know [how Jesus Christ was look like]. In this way of metaphorical salvation Christ might come back to world as he was not dead. As a matter of fact his death was on a Saturday where crucification was not public. If it was not public according to the rule of kingdom, it was likely to be the fact that jesus was crucified, may be tortured bodily but that did not result in death of a powerful person in the history. As a result it could be the case that the person people and followers saw was not a resurrected person. If it is the truth that living jesus was taken away from the world by way of [Ascension] with his body that is not going to resurrect on the day of judgment.
6.5 At the time of transfiguration the message of GOD was clearly establishing in Bible " when lashes and other physical harms will capture the body of Jesus Christ his soul will be walking around the heaven with pleasure. It will be like the time when Abraham was thrown into fire but the fire was so comfortable for Abraham as like as heaven." It is also said in bible that when Nimrod thrown Abraham into fire everyone was seeing the light of his transfigured body from the fire before Abraham killed Nimrod in a very symbolic way in front of everyone. Some flies entered the brain of Nimrod through his ears and ate up his brain before he died.
6.6 Coming back of Jesus Christ to this world over again is a controversy. It becomes a likely truth, Jesus Christ was only Prophet who was entitled for [resurrection] before Judgement Day. But it already happened once as per history in Bible. His soul already took his body and left the world. Quran alleged that jesus will come back to world as a different person with a different name as a follower of Mohammad as GOD given to humans one religion or worshiping of one GOD. Here historically Mohammad was the last massager. GOD also alleged that among other, [Islam] is a complete version of the religion which was coming into existence in a long process of establishment. Literary, anyone submitting to the true one GOD is a Muslim. It does not change the idea that people who are following words of GOD sent via Jesus are followers of jesus practically christians as flourished in the history. The person we know as jesus christ in the history is a man named by angel [holy spirit] as jesus. Christ was added by the people in the history likely to be non believers. Non believers first started calling follower of Jesus as Christians. It is necessary that we understand, where there were some missing links in the life history of Jesus, there were various conspiracy flourished by people. Killing the GOD as a way of salvation is the most famous one. Because it metaphorically frees all humans from all sins they could ever possibly commit in their lives. Birth of christ did not have any missing link in information that it was absolutely a [virgin birth]. It comes down to same habit of non believers who just wanna getaway with their sins with various excuses even though those are impossible to establish by words of GOD came from Jesus. It is a prophecy of GOD that non believers will continue in the same way up to the end of world up until they experience GOD in their front to hand over the judgment. It is not proven that coming back of jesus will practically change anything eventually who will come as a different person with a different name. If this verse of Quran only for satisfaction of the followers of Islam [a complete Deen = religion] that jesus will come to the world consequently as a follower of Islam, it leaves us with fact that people who follow words of GOD, law of GOD, messenger of GOD after the last messenger completes the GOD made religion they are actually cursed by GOD and also in conspiracy only. Their believe and pray to the true GOD in a GOD made way just in vain. It becomes the case that Bible was valid up to the date when Quran was established. Jesus will solicit followers up to the time when islam becomes mandate. There are not enough facts in the verses of Quran to establish this issue that Jesus cannot be saviour or messiah of any person in the world. It is innocent to conclude, if Jesus was born after Mohammad he will definitely follow Mohammad accepting Islam.
6.7 The birth place of Jesus Christ remained a controversy in the history because the actual [prayer place] built by Noah was relocated various times by different kings. Still today Israeli and Palestinian people fighting for this relocated prayer place. The actual location of the birth place can be significantly located by history of Noah and his Boat. Jesus Christ left the prayer place when he became Adult and Prophet. He started his [Prophetism] from Nazareth and he never disclosed his actual place of birth to save the place of prayer from further attacks. As stated in para 2.4 of this article, it was a [safe heaven for all messengers and prophets]. The [idea of Church] was established in the history after salvation of Jesus Christ to establish the Bible.
6.8 There might be various scholars and solicitors in present world who tries to justify the use of [father] in Gospels allegedly written by various people in the history. This is the first sign to understand Bible is contaminated by human works. It will never give us ease in our mind if we attribute GOD as a father and tired ourselves to believe a heavenly truth. GOD is not human, so cannot be man or woman. GOD cannot be material as well. Describing GOD using "He" also explained as limitation of human languages. In this writing, GOD is not first person, nor second person or third person. GOD is only true GOD should have different translations in various languages. If we put in human language, GOD is a super organic or super natural power who creates everything from nothing. In this heavenly definition of GOD does not permit any confusion or assumption nor raise any. On the creator & creation page, existence of GOD is described in human language to conclude nothing can be happening by their-selves. It must be repeated here that existence of GOD in not beyond our knowledge, specifically worldly knowledge, but experience of GOD is beyond our knowledge up until the judgment day. This writing concludes that GOD is not a person to reduce all confusions arose from human languages. GOD is not allowed to be described as anything in human experience or knowledge, is the power we see and believe creating, controlling and maintaining the equilibrium. Anyone moves a bit from this perspective is not a believer of true GOD at all.
7. If we put dates after Egyptian civilization ( approximate 4000 BC)
7.1 Approximate [1400 BC] first city built in [China] ( mongoloid)
7.2 Approximate [1200 BC] first city built in [Mexico] (mixed race Caucasian+Negroid)
7.3 Approximate [4000 BC] [Greek&Rome civilization] started flourishing from band tribe culture to Kingdom . ( caucuses population). The mainstream Greek&Roman civilization is dated in [approximate 1000 BC or older].
7.4 Mongoloid people went to Europe through present [Russia] when population started extending to Northern part of Europe. It took time to find the way of living in cold weather for human. As a result civilization of Caucasian population in Europe started from the lower parts as it is in history of Greek and Rome civilization.
7.5 Approximate [4000 BC] first city built in [India] ( India was a place where all 3 kinds of human clans started living together. This is the reason it is very hard to determine the race of some human clans in India.
8. Verdict:
Before and after this time in these places there were always some [less civilized people] what we called aborigines. It does not make sense from the perspective of religious history that some scientists are believing that [evolution of human] was in a way that aboriginal people gradually become civilized. But the holy books look at the history from [opposite principle] people became astray from [main stream civilization] or the guidance of knowledge from holy books became less civilized. According to Bible Adam&Eve came to the world from heaven with all [civil sense of humour].
If we care to accept the human history as it was without applying any man made theories, we will find some concrete conclusions. GOD was described as a power or source of all powers starting from the time Adam&Eve arrived. Noting was written in papers or stones up until the time of Abraham & Moses. So the truth was traveling as [oral history] from the Middle of the earth. There is no fundamental difference in between Greek-Roman and Indian people where Indian people are named by a [man made tradition] or theory that is called [Hinduism]. According to true human history, both sides of world started worshiping anything they found powerful than humans or huge in power and force. As examples, fire, sun, ocean, earth itself, humans with power like king. At some point they started making replica of those to worship. The man made theories spread back to the middle earth in the passage of long time. It is agreed in European theory of human history that human had first feeling of GOD from the search for a fact where humans go when they sleep ? or what exactly is sleeping? why we don't have any memory when we sleep? This is the most ancient feelings of GOD where the oral history might not reached or believed. People started questioning in a similar way, where humans go after death? They started burying all collectables with a person with a belief that when they will go to next world they will need them. Belief system in Middle earth was never been stable for a long period. Influence of kingdom, influence of invention and other force of human intelligence were keeping captured and held humans by man made law and control.
Holy books
Holy Book | Time & Place | Messenger & Prophet | Relevancy |
[Torah] | 4000 BC Egypt | Moses | 1st law book for kingdom |
[Bible] | 2000 from present Jerusalem | Jesus Christ | 2nd law book- amendment of Kingdom |
[Zabur] [Psalms] | 1000 BC Israel | David | A book of prayer- humans and the whole animal kingdom used to bend their heads with David to prayer of God when he used to sing verses of God from Zabur |
[Quran] | 570 AD Arab | Mohammed | 3rd law book. A symbol of peace and democracy |

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