[Creator = Who only creates]
Creation of world:
1.1 Recognised religious theory [Biblical] describes the creation of world following way.- GOD created water on the space for the first time to create the world .
- Then GOD blows the wind around the water.
- Water started spinning and created waves melting the wind.
- The waves create foam on the water.
- The foams create soil on the water.
- The soil creates the land surface of the world.
- Then the soil started growing greens.
1.2 Considerations: Sun is the source of all materials, that is spinning on it's own Axis, all other planets are coming into existence as a consequence of it. Think about an empty space [big bang theory] where everything coming into their existence in a process of [trial and error], it is autonomous, spontaneous, evolutionary steps toward to the progress. When it comes to an equilibrium, we can conclude it is a [super natural] or [super organic power], or the [power itself is GOD], but no argument about the existence of the absolute autonomous power [who runs the process]. The historical failure of science is they can not proof the existence of GOD or any super organic power who decides the [idea of equilibrium]. Science is superstitious in this sense.
1.3 We believe in thoughts that is true or [impossible to be proven as untrue]. To understand the idea of truth we classify truth in [two classes], one is [volatile truth], one is [absolute truth] like the law of gravity explored by Sir Isaac newton. No, science can not prove the non existence of life in this planet what they explore in other planets as well. Death is a submission, death is an absolute truth for any living creature in the world. [Human souls or life] is a phenomenon that gives a separate and unique identity or characteristics to every single human being.
Creation Of Humans:
2.1 The first creation of GOD was [Genies] who were made of fire . The genie civilization lived in this world for thousands of years. They had the power to take any physical forms . The civilisation ended because there were no believers of GOD as well as no followers of words of GOD in their lives. GOD destroyed the civilisation but not the world. It was said that some pious kind and some very evil kind were left alive in the world as evidence. There were no other who accepted the GOD in their given existences. The most pious and blessed genie became angel of GOD in GOD's assembly at the end of genie civilisation.
2.2 That angel became [devil] after creation of Adam (first human). Lucifer [gene angel] was so proud of his existence. He was jealous about the fact that Adam was created from [GOD's own character or image] where the body was created from soil taken from the world. It was said that GOD casts the soul of Adam into his body to make him alive. Devil was the only angel in GOD's assembly who did not agree with the supremacy of GOD's new creation. GOD created humans with [good&bad] and predicted humans will follow the goodness of GOD as in their souls and messiahs. When their will be no believers of GOD and no goodness of GOD left in the world, GOD will destroy all human kinds with the world itself. GOD given Lucifer a [supreme power and authority] in this world to mislead humans for the rest of his life. It is also said that during the time of Abraham, Abraham quarantined [4 most evil genies] in 4 boxes and buried them somewhere underneath the Black Sea.
2.3 The creation of Eve was symbolic and metaphoric in sense. GOD sanctioned Adam in the heaven to live his life alone. Heaven was full of various living creations of GOD. It was said that Adam was sanctioned to pray to GOD like all other angels. Heaven is a symbol of infinity of [time, demands, supply and imaginations]. Part of the pray was to thank the GOD for given existence with infinite Luxury of heaven. Adam was alone and lonely. GOD listened to a prayer of Adam and took some flesh from his chest to start creating the body of Eve. Adam&Eve became inseparable in their existences.
2.4 GOD only given a demonstration of existence once in this world with request of Moses. The verses of GOD explained to him 'human eyes cannot accommodate the existence of GOD. So GOD reflected a Ray of light on a mountain and that mountain burnt into an extraordinary type of carbon." The idea was described as image of GOD which composes the soul of humans established by the symbol “transfiguration”. People started using that carbon as eye shade as a fashion. It was promised by GOD to all humans that on the date of judgement humans will be able to see GOD. All non believers will regret on that day. GOD also messages to humans that it will be the most satisfactory experience for the believers when all humans will able to see the GOD for judgement. GOD will accommodate in our knowledge as like as when lights in our eyes. It was also said in Bible that higher level of believers of GOD who were dedicated to GOD, GOD sent signs of GOD's existence to those like Jesus Christ. It is also said that the last messenger was entitled to travel through 7 galaxies to meet the GOD and bring some final messiahs for his followers. It was also said that Muhammad left the world in a second and came back on that same second, there was no time passed. People go to present Mecca to see these evidences. Lot of humans met angels [holy spirit] in the history where angels were working with all prophets. Angels came into visions of people as human or hologram of human, extraordinary kinds of animals, but people did not have any problem to understand they were not humans or animals but revealed as.
2.5 It was said that messiah of Jesus Christ will be received by some of his followers on the day of judgement. Christ will be present for his followers and in front of their column. Other messiah like followers of Mosses and Muhammad will occur in a similar way. Prophet Noah will take his 16 believers plus followers after the “great flood” with him as like as other prophets came before Moses.
Original Sin:
3.1 It is said in Bible that all souls of Humans were created at a time with the [own image or characteristics of GOD].
3.2 All human souls were [kept in a place] with their own duties to perform.
3.3 It is [scientific and just] why humans are coming to this world with different status of life. Messiahs concluded that it does not effect human's abilities to practice good deeds or improve in same ways.
3.4 The [Apple] is the reason why all souls were sent to this world. It was also said that though GOD forbidden Adam&Eve to eat the Apple from a specific tree in the heaven, they were failure to keep the order. Adam took the first bite from the apple to satisfy the curiosity of Eve. It was also said in bible that part of the temptation came from Devil who was not happy with sanction of heaven for humans where he was sanctioned before. Devil came to world with humans to do similar kind of acts to safeguard hell for all humans as like as him.
3.5 The [number of souls] is finite and it will be the [end of the world] when all souls will finish their trial in this world. As GOD knows what is in human's minds as knows when devil will take the all living humans in his side.
3.6 Humans came to this world to perform their duties to acquire good deeds to have a better life in next word [ heaven or hell] with their individual missions.
3.7 Souls of animals were created with duty to serve the humans. They will be judge by their deeds. GOD furnished the world with all animals for the service of humans. It was significant in the history when David the second messenger was singing the verses from his Holy book which were mainly poetic expressions of GOD's beautiful creations and all animals and plants were bending their heads with David to show their respects to the creator.
3.8 The heavenly view of the galaxy was created by GOD for the entertainment of humans where the world also holds a view for same reason. The world in its empty galaxy shares the view with 6 other galaxies. All of these were created for entertainment of humans.
GOD's Assembly:
4.1 GOD's assembly is [consist of angels only] who have their duties to [pray to the GOD for their given existences]. Angels are made out of good only. They do not have physical existence as like as our souls.
4.2 There are four main angels to control the creations of the creator:
- Angel of [death] who takes souls out of human bodies.
- Angel of [weather] who controls the weather of world.
- Angel of [message] who carries messages of GOD to "prophets" and "messengers".
- Angel of [apocalypse] or "judgement day" who will declare the time with GOD's order.
End of World:
5.1 It is natural that [everything becomes permissible] when their will be no faith in GOD.
5.2 It is natural that the force of [human intelligence] will misguide people.
5.3 It is also predicted in Bible that Devil will win to make an end of this world. And that is his Job in this world to [take everyone with him to hell]. Bible gives us guidance how to disbelieve or avoid trickery of devil and people who are deceived by devil .
5.4 All humans have [two angels] on their shoulders who are keeping records of [good and bad] deeds of humans separately for judgement day. The judgement will happen for all humans together [at a time] after the end of world including all prophets and messengers in the same process of judgement.
5.5 The end of the world is described in bible in this way. It will start with earth quack like those humans cannot imagine. The sun will come near and closer to the world to make people understand what is waiting for them in hell. All wealth hidden underneath the soil will start coming out with force, those will create big waves will get bigger. People who dedicated their lives for those wealth will be buried alive underneath. GOD will resurrect all humans from their dead and prepare them for judgement.
5.6 It is what we know which were served to us. Others are beyond knowledge until the day of judgement. GOD serves to humans that there were nothing left to describe the fate of humans who were believers or not.
Suing the Devil (2011)
Notion of Atheism and other: 1800 Century +
Darwin & Secrets behind his theory of EVOLUTION
1800 Century and thereafter influence of MARXISM
Released 2008
Released 1996
Released 2008
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